Is this you? Following the crowd?
Maybe it’s time to rethink your life’s path!
Instead of following everyone else …
as they work at jobs they despise
in order to buy things they don’t need
to compete with people they don’t like …
Why not Get Out of line?
Think about it!
You have the most important gift of all …
The gift of choice.
You have the power to decide …
To get out of line …
To exit the matrix …
To escape the treadmill of the 9-to-5
It’s time for you to …
Treat Yourself to the Life and Love you Deserve!
Treat Yourself to the Life and Love you Deserve!
To Get the Life and Love You Deserve
You first need the proper …
tools (strategies)
skills (applied knowledge)
blueprint (action plan)
to make your life better.
In my ebook, I share
the tools, skills, blueprint
you can use to …
Attract the life and love you deserve
Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button below
for Immediate delivery of Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Only $37 dollars
100% Safe, Secure Payment
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!
Got ?’s (text me: 347-557-5487)
One more thing …
If your life sucks, it’s not your fault.
But, it is your responsibility
to do something about it.
You need the proper …
tools (strategies)
skills (applied knowledge)
blueprint (action plan)
to make your life better.
In my ebook, I share the tools, skills, blueprint
you can use to make your life better.
Using the practical steps within my ebook,
you’ll be able to attract the life and love you deserve.
Why did I write this ebook?
1. Because I get joy from helping people.
2. I’ve studied (NeuroLinguistic Programming), the area of Mind Science, and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, and others, and I’d like to share these theories, and technologies, with you.
3. My goal is to make money online so I can work remotely from anywhere in the world. Selling 3-to-10 of these ebooks a day will allow me to reach that goal.
I wrote this ebook to motivate, inspire, challenge you …
Motivate you
to discover who you are (identity)
Inspire you
to jettison the thing/people
that are weighing you down
Challenge you
to take action by creating a
mission statement that ignites your soul
Get your copy of my new ebook …
Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less
This ebook is 402 pages! 116 Chapters!
You are moments away from discovering
the truth about what is holding you back!
It’s time for you to discover what you’re truly capable of.
It’s time for you to Free Yourself and Find Yourself …
The True You!
It’s Time for You to Treat Yourself
to the Life and Love You Deserve.
Get the BluePrint that will show you how …
Grab my ebook: Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or Less
Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button below for
Immediate delivery of Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less).
Only $37 dollars
100% Safe, Secure Payment
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!
Got ?’s (text me: 347-557-5487)
What happens after you buy the ebook?
1. You receive an email with the link to the “Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less”. (Check your inbox, and your “spam” box.)
2. Open the email.
3. Click the link to the ebook.
4. Read ebook. Apply the techniques. You will see results.
6. Let me know what you think! (
7. Bookmark this site. Return often. Take cold showers. Fast. Hooray!
What happens if I don’t buy the ebook?
You keep living your life. Maybe your life is already awesome.
If so, that’s great. But, if you’re life looks something like this …
It’s time for you to make a change.
Get my ebook. Read it. Apply it. See what happens.
My ebook, Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less
will show you how to
Attract the life and love you deserve

Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button below for
Immediate delivery of …
Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Only $37 dollars
100% Safe, Secure Payment
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!
Got ?’s (text me: 347-557-5487)
What happens after you buy the ebook?
1. You receive an email with the link to the “Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less”. (Check your inbox, and your “spam” box.)
2. Open the email.
3. Click the link to the ebook.
4. Read ebook. Apply the techniques. You will see results.
6. Let me know what you think! (
7. Bookmark this site. Return often. Take cold showers. Fast. Hooray!
Who am I?
Hi, my name’s Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, musician, actor, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. In my ebooks (The Powerful Technique, The One Thing, Fix Your Life), I share simple strategies that bring powerful results, quickly. To put it simply, I help people find solutions to their challenges, even if they’ve been struggling for years and given up on themselves.
“Insanely good.” – Kathleen (Personal Assistant, Chicago)
“Used one of the techniques in the book to get a raise. Thank you!” – Adam (Coder, North Carolina)
“The Mindset Story, Lessons from a Mountain Climber, really hit home with me. I was able to use that to move past a bad relationship. Am now loved and appreciated by a good man. Am telling my friends about your book. Thank you x a 1000!” – Deborah (Financial Planner, Boston)
“These practical tips work. Would love to see you speak on stage. Come to Burlington, Vermont. Let me know.” – Singh (Programmer, Vermont)
2. I’ve studied (NeuroLinguistic Programming), the area of Mind Science, and the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr Bruce Lipton, and others, and I’d like to share these theories, and technologies, with you.
3. My goal is to make money online so I can work remotely from anywhere in the world. Selling 3-to-10 of these ebooks a day will allow me to reach that goal.
I wrote this ebook to motivate, inspire, challenge you …
Motivate you
to discover who you are (identity)
Inspire you
to jettison the thing/people
that are weighing you down
Challenge you
to take action by creating a
mission statement that ignites your soul
Get your copy of my new ebook …
Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less
This ebook is 402 pages! 116 Chapters!
You are moments away from discovering
the truth about what is holding you back!
It’s time for you to discover what you’re truly capable of.
It’s time for you to Free Yourself and Find Yourself …
The True You!
It’s Time for You to Treat Yourself
to the Life and Love You Deserve.
Get the BluePrint that will show you how …
Grab my ebook: Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or Less
Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button below for
Immediate delivery of Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less).
Only $37 dollars
100% Safe, Secure Payment
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!
Got ?’s (text me: 347-557-5487)
1. You receive an email with the link to the “Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less”. (Check your inbox, and your “spam” box.)
2. Open the email.
3. Click the link to the ebook.
4. Read ebook. Apply the techniques. You will see results.
6. Let me know what you think! (
7. Bookmark this site. Return often. Take cold showers. Fast. Hooray!
You keep living your life. Maybe your life is already awesome.
If so, that’s great. But, if you’re life looks something like this …
It’s time for you to make a change.
Get my ebook. Read it. Apply it. See what happens.
My ebook, Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less
will show you how to
Attract the life and love you deserve
Click the “Checkout with PayPal” button below for
Immediate delivery of …
Fix Your Life (in 5 minutes or less)
Only $37 dollars
100% Safe, Secure Payment
Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee!
Got ?’s (text me: 347-557-5487)
1. You receive an email with the link to the “Fix Your Life in 5 minutes or less”. (Check your inbox, and your “spam” box.)
2. Open the email.
3. Click the link to the ebook.
4. Read ebook. Apply the techniques. You will see results.
6. Let me know what you think! (
7. Bookmark this site. Return often. Take cold showers. Fast. Hooray!
Who am I?
Hi, my name’s Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, musician, actor, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. In my ebooks (The Powerful Technique, The One Thing, Fix Your Life), I share simple strategies that bring powerful results, quickly. To put it simply, I help people find solutions to their challenges, even if they’ve been struggling for years and given up on themselves.
“Insanely good.” – Kathleen (Personal Assistant, Chicago)
“Used one of the techniques in the book to get a raise. Thank you!” – Adam (Coder, North Carolina)
“The Mindset Story, Lessons from a Mountain Climber, really hit home with me. I was able to use that to move past a bad relationship. Am now loved and appreciated by a good man. Am telling my friends about your book. Thank you x a 1000!” – Deborah (Financial Planner, Boston)
“These practical tips work. Would love to see you speak on stage. Come to Burlington, Vermont. Let me know.” – Singh (Programmer, Vermont)